Business Communication Lecture Notes

Here is the Business Communication Syllabus with the tentative guideline for this quarter.

Lecture One

Lecture One (click here) Business Communication Foundations--Business, Personal, and Cultural
  1. Analytical Report Research Topics must be selected.
  2. Beginning Week One, Report Project Guidelines are given to prepare you for the Analytical Report
  3. Follow the Report Step Guidelines weekly as the report process is discussed in class.
  4. There are two presentations to give during the quarter. The second presentation will require the development of visual aids.
  5. More on Communication and Ethics

Lecture Two

Lecture 2 Notes
Here is a sample proposal to assist you in the completion of your own proposal. Remember, the proposal and tentative bibliography are due Week 4.

Lecture Three

Communication: A Process and Model Approach to Writing
Communication: Triumphs and Tragedies
Quiz 1 Review Notes

Lecture Four

Back to the report basics, the previous lecture notes(presented during Week 3) will be displayed here for your review.
The report begins with proposal format. This format is included in this section for your review in preparing the proposal. Click on the proposal tab to begin the review of proposal writing.
More on Report Mechanics

Lecture Five

The following lectures will be covered this week. Each lecture focuses on the role of communication in the business environment from several aspects:

Crisis Communication--Crisis in the Workplace

Direct, Indirect, and Persuasive Communications

Teamwork in the Workplace

The review notes listed here will assist you in preparing your written report and studying for the midterm examination. Here are more notes pertaining to the analytical report.

Remember, writing is not difficult if you follow the Psychological Approaches and Persuasive Techniques


Lecture Six

Please see the final week notes below for these sections.

Lecture Seven

Written and oral report Guidelines

Lecture Eight Please see the final notes posted below.
The employment process will consist of a four-part process: the resume, the letter of application, the follow-up letter, and the application form.
The follow-up letter may be one of the following: the acceptance letter, the rejection letter, the thank-you letter, or the inquiry letter.
In today's marketplace, the electronic resume is becoming the most popular method of posting resumes on such sites as,,; to name a few. Also, listed are a number of sites mentioned in this week's lecture. These sites offer valuable references pertaining to personality, resume techniques, and interview tips.

Here is a sample letter to use in your development of the cover letter. Also this site will give you some tips on developing your employment materials. See for more information.

Lecture Nine

Please see the final notes posted below.

Lecture Ten

Extra Study Notes for the final. All you ever wanted to know about the final chapters is included in these Hints to the Final Test Notes shown here.

Here are the original Final Study Notes for the final exam. Read the notes carefully.
Here are the collection study notes

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